Friday, March 2, 2007

See? People Like Me!

Completely unsolicited email I received this afternoon:

Hi Jill,

I hope you are doing great!

I'm not sure if you knew... But I'm the new editor of [Redacted] Magazine in Philadelphia... I've gone back to my journalism roots! And you came to mind today. I'm not sure if your Phillyist gig is exclusive, or if it's full time, or if you have another day job. But I'm looking immediately for a copy editor/fact checker. There is some $ budgeted for this. You would ideally have to do it here, in the office, which is right near Rittenhouse Square. Do you have any proofreading/copy editing experience? Are you interested/available? If not, do you know someone qualified for this that you'd recommend?

I may also be looking for freelance writing as well, if that also interests you. I look forward to being in touch.


How great is that timing?


Joe Ross said...

The only way i could avoid being very bitter toward someone (although we have actually never met face to face) I like and respect a great deal would be for you to put a link to my blog up on yours. Yup, shameless plugging. That's what I've come to.

But seriously, congrats!

Jill said...

I know, I know, I need to make my blogroll.

Joe Ross said...

I always thought "blogroll" sounded like something I could order with my sesame chicken.